Awesome Label Widget Design

custom widget for labels blogger
Customize Label Widget brings more beauty in blogger blog. It will make our blog more attractive and designable. We know that by default blogger cloud label widget looked ugly and unprofessional however, if we add some piece of code to style sheet then it could become an eye-catcher for readers & make our blog design lovely.

How To Add This Label Widget To Blogger

  • Go to Blogger
  • Template > Edit HTML
  • Search ]]></b:skin> tag
  • Add the below given code above ]]></b:skin> tag
 .label-size a{
 margin-bottom: 9px;
 padding:0 10px 0 12px;
.label-size a:before{
 border-color:transparent #0089e0 transparent transparent;
 border-width:12px 12px 12px 0;
.label-size a:after{
 -moz-box-shadow:-1px -1px 2px #004977;
 -webkit-box-shadow:-1px -1px 2px #004977;
 box-shadow:-1px -1px 2px #004977;
.label-size a:hover{background:#555;}
.label-size a:hover:before{border-color:transparent #555
 transparent transparent;}
  • Save template
  • Go to layout > Add widget > Add Labels Widget
  • Configure the widget > Select the Cloud option
  • Save widget

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