What Search Preferences Means
With this setting you can tell to the robots witch and how to crawl pages from your blog. Now we have and we can modify this options in the New Blogger Interface Dashboard. By default, the robots crawl every single page of the blog, including labels pages, search pages and external pages. I will show you how to setup this to get a more SEO Friendly blog.How To Set Up Search Preferences In Blogger
Step#1 :- Go to Blogger Dashboard:
- Click on Search Preferences:
- Click on Custom Robots header tags
- Click on Edit > Enable Custom Robots header tags (click Yes)
- Make the changes like in next image:
Step#2 :
- Go To Search Preferences
- Enable Custom Robot.txt
- Past the below given code in the Custom Robot.txt
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://itrickb.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated
- Replace itrickb.blogspot.com with your own blog
- Click Save Changes
- It must look like in below image :
This is it. Now your blogeer blog will be more SEO Friendly and the benefites of this will be comming soon.