How To Write SEO Friendly Blogger Posts

invata cum sa scrii postari seo friendly pe blogul blogger
As you already know that is important for every blogger that he must have knowledge about search engine optimization to drive handsome traffic from search engines. The content of your blog is also very important, and today we will learn some tips about making or writing search engine friendly posts.

Choosing The Perfect Post Title

Choosing perfect post title for your posts is very important. In order to write a perfect post title, your title have less than 66 characters because Google only shows first 66 characters in search results. Before writing your post title you must use Google Keywords Tool. That tool will help you to find out which keywords are using mostly around the world. And one important thing that your post title must having h2 tag otherwise you can make h2 tag for your post title by reading below post.

Add alt='KEYWORD' Attribute In Images

Another important tip is that you should add alt='keyword' attribute in your post images. This will tell the search engine's crawler that which keyword is having that image. The minimum characters for keywords are 50 so make sure that your keyword is not crossing the limit. This will also help you in getting traffic from image search engines. If you don't know how to insert that keyword in image code then look at the below code.
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt='SEO Friendly Content' border="0" src="" /></a>

Add Search Description

Adding search description or meta description in your posts can help you in getting higher ranks in search results. But your description must be properly written and have 150 characters because Google shows only 150 characters in search results otherwise it will look broken description. If you don't know how to enable meta description in your blog then read following the below post.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Using the main keyword repeatedly in the whole article is known as keyword stuffing. In other words, If I'm writing an article of 1000 words in which I've used the main keyword 50 times then it is said to be as keyword stuffing. How to avoid ? To avoid keyword stuffing you should use main keywords in whole article only 3%. It means if you are writing the article of 1000 words then you should use the main keyword only 20 times. If you do keyword stuffing then your posts may loose the ranking after Google penguin updates.

Keywords Density

Most of bloggers/webmasters used to write the main keywords more than two times in post title, permalinks and in search description. Adding repeatedly keywords in post title, permalinks and search description is known as keyword density. You have to use the main keyword only one time in all these mentioned things.

Link Old Posts in New Posts

This is an amazing trick done by every blogger is that they use to mention or link their old posts in their new posts by which they don't loose the ranking of old posts and it also helps to get posts indexed fast in search engines. You just need to add the link of any post in your newer posts. But remember that both posts must be related to each other so that visitor may like to land on old post.

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